It's very useful for looking up things that have to do with Apple computers and devices. So you could look it up in the dictionary but clicking on Apple will give you a definition from a custom Apple dictionary. Apple is particularly useful if you want to look up a tech term. Now what about these other dictionaries here. You can switch between dictionaries and keep the same word. So if you see a word you can click on it and it will go to the entry for that. Now whether you're looking at dictionary definitions or in the Thesaurus you can click on most things in here. So you search for a word and then go to that and then get different synonyms for it. Of particular use is the Thesaurus or synonym finder. You probably see some others here as well. So you have the regular dictionary which will give you a definition. Now you should see here a list of dictionaries that you have enabled. To look up a word you just type it here in the Search field at the top and then you get a definition. I could drag it to the left side of the Dock to make it a little more easily accessible if I want to. Just the first couple letters is all I need and I can launch it that way. I'm going to do Command Space and search for dictionary.
#Google dictionary for mac mac#
So when it comes to the Dictionary app on your Mac there are some users that don't know it's there and others that take it for granted. Join us and exclusive content and course discounts. There you can read more about the Patreon Campaign. MacMost is brought to you thanks to a great group of more than 700 supporters. Today let's take a look at the Mac Dictionary app. Video Transcript: Hi, this is Gary with. Check out Mac Dictionary App Tips And Tricks at YouTube for closed captioning and more options.